Liposuction is a process wherein excess fat that is present in different parts of the body is successfully removed. Often, body fat gets accumulated in areas such as the buttocks, arms, hips and stomach. Liposuction surgery is the practical option if all other conventional weight loss measures fail and stubborn fat stays on. The time taken for recovering from this procedure depends on the amount of fat that is taken out as well as the body part where the procedure is performed. With advanced liposuction procedures such as Smartlipo liposuction, BodyTite liposuction and Vaser 2.0 liposuction available now, recovery period is minimal and patients can get back to their normal routine soon.

Tips to Ensure a Speedy and Smooth Recovery

Given below are some tips that will enable speedy recovery after your liposuction procedure.

  • Lots of liquids should be consumed. This can be in the form of health drinks, water or juices. Alcoholic drinks should be avoided. At least eight glasses of water should be consumed every day.
  • Unhealthy fats such as butter, deep fries and cheese should be avoided.
  • Take care to consume oils that don’t have unhealthy fats.
  • Conserved foods such as salsas should be avoided.
  • Sufficient sleep should be taken.
  • The area of treatment should be massaged gently so that there is proper blood circulation.
  • Medicines producing imbalance of fluids should be avoided.
  • Compression fabric should be placed through the location of treatment so that the cells get support. This material helps to reduce swelling and it also lowers the complications that are associated with it.
  • The advice of the doctor as regards medications should be followed carefully.
  • The treatment area should not be exposed to water as critical infection can be caused.
  • Exposure of the treatment area to the sun should also be avoided.
  • Enough relaxation is needed.
  • The process of recovery should be evaluated through usual check ups.

Those who take proper care, get well soon. Medicines have to be continued for few days, after the surgery and later on, can be stopped. You will notice the results of liposuction within 6 months.  Liposuction surgery and recovery become smooth when the surgery is provided by a reputable and experienced plastic surgeon . When planning for the surgery, you must ensure that the surgeon is experienced in providing the particular procedure, and that it is provided at an advanced plastic surgery facility with all the latest equipment and capable support staff.

It is very essential to find the right plastic surgeon for laser liposuction, if good outcomes are desired. The FDA has given approval to the Smartlipo technique, which has now gained a lot of popularity. It is an advanced procedure which is provided using the Smartlipo Triplex workstation. This workstation has been introduced by Cynosure. Superior results are delivered and that too, in a very safe manner. Stubborn fat is easily eliminated from the love handles, upper arms, neck, chin, face, hips, buttocks, male breasts, mons pubis, thighs, abdomen, back and bra roll.

Many Benefits Are Offered by Smartlipo Triplex Liposuction Surgery

Several benefits are provided to patients if the SmartLipo Triplex system is used.  These benefits include high definition controlled laser treatment, precise body contouring, and effective skin tightening through tissue coagulation, minimal surgical trauma, minimal downtime and greater efficiency. Once the removal of fat is done with the help of Smartlipo, there will be no accumulation of fat again in that area. Rather, redistribution of fat takes place in other body areas. 3 powerful laser wavelengths 1440nm, 1320nm and 1064nm are combined along with 3 intelligent delivery systems SmartSense, ThermaView and ThermaGuide to ensure the best results.

The Smartlipo procedure is beneficial for people of different age groups and body types. The procedure is an outpatient one. It ensures a natural looking and attractive body contour.

The Right Laser Liposuction Surgeon and Plastic Surgery Center

Given below are some points that have to be taken into consideration when choosing a plastic surgeon in New York City for your Smartlipo procedure:
  • An online search should be made. Choose a center that is near to your home as it would be convenient.
  • Preference should always be given to the surgeon who is working in an accredited center.
  • An initial consultation should be scheduled with the plastic surgeons that have been short-listed. This would definitely help to make an intelligent choice.
  • Check out the before and after photos of patients who have undergone the plastic surgery procedure.
  • The reviews and testimonials of different patients should be checked. Try contacting his/her patients directly, to have a better idea regarding the surgeon and the outcomes of the surgery.
  • You can check out the pricings also. However, there should be no compromise in safety and quality.

Once the important step of choosing the best plastic surgeon for your laser liposuction surgery is taken, there need be no concerns about achieving your cosmetic goals. Make sure that you maintain only realistic expectations. It is important that you undergo the procedure at an advanced plastic surgery facility that has all the latest equipment and caring support staff. Make it a point to visit the center and find out for yourself the facilities they have to ensure you a safe and comfortable surgical experience